FRIENDS, FAMILY & ELEVATE OAKLAND COMMUNITY ~ Elevate Oakland invites you to celebrate the Season of Giving with us by making a donation in support of our music and arts programs serving Oakland youth. It is our goal raise $25,000 in order to establish Resident Artist programs in two new schools in 2022 and to continue to strengthen existing programs with our current school partners.
Donations can be made via the campaign widget to the left, or by the following methods:
Check made payable to “Elevate Oakland” and mailed to our address at 328 63rd St. Oakland, CA 94618.
Paypal using email address jason@51oakland.org.
Via Facebook or Instagram by visiting our profile and clicking the “Donate” or “Support” buttons (no transaction or service fees using this method!)
Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest information on events, programs, volunteer opportunities and other ways to get involved.
The Road to Recovery for Music & Arts Programs In Oakland Public Schools
School shutdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic caused a critical loss of momentum for music and arts programs in Oakland Public Schools. Many schools dropped their music curriculums altogether in favor of prioritizing core subjects during the struggle to adopt virtual instruction.
As students are returning to the classroom, many have gone nearly two years without access to music and arts education, while teachers are reporting that students early in their education are entering Elementary and Middle School never having received music instruction at all.
Now is the critical time for Elevate Oakland to partner with local educators and artists to re-energize and rebuild music and arts programs for Oakland Public Schools. Help us reach our goal to raise $25,000 before the years end in order to establish Resident Artist programs in two new schools in 2022 and to continue to strengthen existing programs with our current school partners.
Historically, Elevate Oakland’s programs have impacted more than 3500 youth across more than 30 schools in the Oakland Public School system. All this has been made possible through the kind donations from supporters like yourself. Join us on the road to recovery as we work to rebuild equitable access to music programs for Oakland’s youth.

Elevate Oakland is the official sponsor of the Oakland Eastside All-Star Ensemble (OEASE) for the 2021- 2022 school year. In addition to providing the necessary funding to keep the program going, Elevate Oakland provides performance opportunities, coaching and mentorship, instruments and equipment as well as marketing and other support for this talented group of Oakland youth musicians. You can learn more about OEASE by visiting their website.
This fall and winter, Elevate Oakland is partnering with the Guitar Center Music Foundation to rebuild the music program at Elmhurst United Middle School, a high-needs public school in East Oakland, CA serving students from predominately low-income communities.
By donating new music equipment, making facility improvements and partnering with music educators and local artists to establish a robust teaching curriculum, this program aims to build lasting and impactful infrastructure that will lend to the enduring success of the music program at Elmhurst United.
Starting at the beginning of the 2021 school year, Elevate Oakland resumed our Artist in Residence (AiR) program embedding renowned artists from within the Bay Area community into Oakland public school classrooms, providing mentorship and learning opportunities for students and teachers alike.
This fall, we’ve established AiR programs at Parker Elementary School and Elmhurst United Middle School. Past school partners have also included McClymonds High School, Edna Brewer Middle School, Castlemont High School, Fremont High School and more. We are hoping to expand our AiR program to at least two new Oakland public schools starting in 2022.